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Yellow-vest strike

Today in the morning my friend living in France called me. From her voice, I understood how frustrated she is. She said that people on the street gave her an invitation card to a yellow vest strike on the 5th of December, to join the blockade and chaos in Agen city.

So, on that day – cry, little restaurant owners and merchants, because it will be impossible to enter or walk to the city center because the world’s righteous will protest against capitalism and the monsters wealthy ones.

Not even thinking that once again, it is not the big capitalists that they hate, but the little ones in this wrong world, who will suffer again. After last year’s yellow-vest protests, a number of small boutiques in Bordeaux were forced to close, failing to survive as the city was paralyzed and swept away on weekends, and violence and aggression caused people to avoid entering the city center during protests.

Those revolutionaries would rather go to exhibitions than to the streets, maybe some fairer ideas would come up about how to change this imperfect world. But the French have yet to hear it,  on December 5th, they promise to shake the country again with protests, blocking all roads and so on.

Unfortunately, if you want to change or beautify the world, ideas alone are not enough – you need money, lots of money. So let’s not curse others’ wealth, don’t take away because it’s human nature that there will always be something “smoother” between levels and dragging the financial goodwill toward themselves.

To take away others’ wealth and share it to poor ones, to cut off the heads or to drive richest people far away – unfortunately, it does not work, it does not make life fairer and more prosper, we have already tried out the “joys” of forced equality – many Lithuanians suffered in Siberia after the Soviets invasion. And many other countries, including France.

I do not tolerate violence in all its forms, and the yellow vest is just a narrow-eyed gang that is twitched by parties, financial groups. Only art and the kindness of human beings can change the world we are part of.

Photo credit: bolgegundem

© Fortune, 2019

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