My plans were to get an 8:00 a.m. workout in but I ended up waking up at 5:00 a.m.. The gym that I attend requires me to reserve a spot in order to utilize to gym, so I went for an earlier time versus 8:00 a.m., so that I can get more rest in before work. In comparison to my previous workout I dropped two pounds. I was dying to see some sort of loss in weight as I am in the process of abstaining from meats. Can’t wait to see the rippling effects in areas like my abdominal muscles, too.

I have to say that my sole purpose for this workout was to get in the run because I am building my base for my marathon training. Though I didn’t go the preferred distance I initially wanted to run, I did feel the run. Feeling is being in a daze in the moment, but letting your legs take over.

Felt good to be back into my yoga groove. Ever since I shortened the time of my sessions, plus added poses recommended for runners there has been no turning back.

Workouts: 3 mile treadmill run; 40 crunches; yoga (cobra, half split, low lunge, lunge twist, standing pigeon pose, rag doll pose, and butterfly fold) ; bicep curls, abdominal machine and pushups.

‘Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.’
— Henry David Thoreau, poet and philosopher

Thomas is a fashion enthusiast that loves trying many different styles. He can be reached at
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Success is when you can afford any cupcake you want!!!!!
Really cool post Thomas!