
Love ItLove It

Life Goes On

The social worker came by today. Apparently it’s a rule. I was not prepared to have a conversation with a social worker. He asked me if I was aware that life goes on even after family members pass away we have  to go on. That was why I was working while everyone else was worrying about if there was going to be a funeral and all sorts of details that I needn’t be concerned with. I need to keep the rest of the family healthy. I have to go to my grandsons birthday party. No, I am not happy. No, I am not healed. No, I don’t want  strangers coming to my home to tell me what I should feel like and explain that life goes on. He’s interrupting that life.

After an hour I lost my temper and requested that he leave. He said that by law he had to provide these services. “Consider them provided and get out of my home and off of my property.  Keeping life moving along takes all the time and energy I have. I had to leave work to talk to him.

I am going to start locking my gates and doors!


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. The social worker was incorrect, and honestly, you are completely in the right. They do not have to provide services by law. It is wholly voluntary.

    I wish I had words that would help you now.

    There are no words to make people better. Smile perhaps, even laugh for a moment. But the words fail us when it is something like this.

    I am so sorry.

    If there is anything I can do, please let me know!

  2. I’m sorry you had to go through that. You need to grieve in your own way and under your own terms and get rid of unwanted distractions.