
Dandelion honey – great for liver and blood purification

Have you wondered what can be prepared from this beautiful yellow flower, which can be found everywhere at this time of the year.

It is important to know: The dandelion is rich in ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the liver, diabetes, urinary system, acne, jaundice, anemia, and helps bone and skin care. It is also good for weight loss.

I will give you a recipe how to make dandelion honey. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 600 dandelion flowers
  • 10 dkg of sage
  • 6-7 pieces of lemon
  • 4 kg of sugar
  • 2.5 liters of water.


1. In 2.5 liters of water, put the dandelion flowers, sage, and sliced lemons.

2. Cook on low heat for about half an hour.

3. When everything is cooled, add the sugar and cook again for about half an hour .

4. Put warm honey in warm jars.

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Written by lejla1311