How long will it be before my heart will beat again?
when will this blue blood stop coursing through my veins?
this arrhythmic pulse grows weary
When will I be able to hear a song
read a passage
or breathe without thinking of you
wondering if you’re okay
if you miss me as much as I miss you
When will I stop seeing you on busy sidewalks
in stairwells
on subways
or in my dreams?
When will I be able to tune out your voice
echoing through the space between my ears?
when will your soul unoccupy my heart
allowing room for someone else?
Our conversations keep replaying in my head
like a record needle stuck in a worn-out groove
faint glimpses of a spectre that won’t stop haunting me
torturing and taunting me
memories that won’t set me free
stopping me cold in my tracks
If I can still smell you
taste you
and touch you
then why do I still feel so numb?
thank you, you are very kind!
Very poetic 🙂 enjoyed it.
Powerful emotions
yes, thank you. This was written during a time I was very blue, trying to get over someone, and yet everywhere I turned, he was there (whether a song, a glimpse, a sound, etc)
“Grief is the joy that unraveled its mask” Kahlil Gibran. I am happy to know that time has succeeded in healing you.
Like this quote, Albert
this was actually an old poem, but it’s true when they say time does heal.
I feel the same way that you do. Just trying to walk through my day today.
this was actually an old poem but it’s true when they say time does heal.