These are the digital paintings I am posting to my “This Week” gallery today at Each day I post 4 to 10 new paintings so I have accumulated over 3000 images in just the two years I have been working as an artist.
I am finding more folks here appreciate my abstract and wildly varying style that on other sites where I post.
So you folks are my target market and I need your input to survive as an artist. Is there anything particular that you notice attracts you to an abstract painting. Or is there a specific combo that prompts you to like one of these or dislike for that matter?
Insectophant Camo
I called this one "The Magician Dance". It resembles one of my earlier postings because it is the grandson of an earlier work. I am attracted to the strong contrast and almost mesmerizing flow of the lines that resolve into a larger shape. The bottom shapes reminded me of dancing legs, but it kind of seemed magical.
What attracts or repels you about a painting like this?