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that goth chick on the stairs I said I would do and now here she is because I am a man of my word but it isn't done yet so it is still just a WIP

Ever wonder how long a Virily title can be? Pretty long, it turns out. But like it said in the title, these are some of the iterations on my gothic chick on the stairs, which is not to be confused with my cyberpunk girl on the stairs even though they are both kinda dystopian in theme and style

#1 striped look

this piece didn't really come together for me until I put the skull barette in her hair and then it all just snapped right into place

see what I did there? with the barette?

#2 slightly different version

I dunno, do you think she needs a rimlight on her left side? Seems like the figure needs it but the background most definitely doesn't

#3 alternate outfit

she's looking mighty grainy due to the postwork, probably shoulda given you a raw version too

Do you recognize her from the headshot? It is like the portrait and the stairs got drunk and hooked up and then had a kid but the kid was just another picture but also they had a lot of kids so I guess they stayed together but also the stairway had a cyberpunk lover on the side but you don't know that because I haven't posted those yet

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  1. I like all the choices, but the striped stocking one is best in my opinion. Just wait I will top your long title yet bro. Remember how I always could beat you in contests lol.

    • I expect you will beat me. I never told you this before, but when you always used to win it just pushed me to try harder, so you were a big inspiration to me…

  2. I think you win the award for longest title. My “Skinny Dippin’, Mescaline Trippin, Watching A Baby Day Be Born” can’t come close, but give me time I think I can help you test the limits of title lengths…
