Kitsune masks are very popular in Japan, but they seem redundant to me… Why not show up dressed normally but with a fox tail peeking out from under your kimono? That would be a way better costume!
#1 work in progress
The kitsune are those infamous shape shifting fox spirits from Japan. They may not be downright evil, but they're mischievous and delight in tricking humans
I certainly hope so Alex as they are wonderful!
Did you mean the kitsune specifically or shapeshifters in general
The only thing I knew about kitsune before reading your viril (except that they have magical powers which seems self-evident) was that it is the name of a very nice restaurant in Chicago…unless you count Sonic the Hedgehog’s friend Tails.
so you’re just a fan of shapeshifters on GP?
Yeppers, you pegged it!
that’s an ability I would love to have!