Well they’re at it again- are these two ever going to settle on a wardrobe? Lee Billingham gave me this bitchen idea of making the underskirt lighter, which is the opposite of what I had been trying. Unfortunately I used the wrong kinda fabric for the underskirt, which means we have to do another round
Gypsy rematch – WIP
Alex Ledante
13 Votes
1001 Arabian Nightsecchifanservicefantasyfortune tellerGypsypinupportraitsexyWIP
I also preferred the solid color skirt. But that is just me. Really like her top, hair, hands and feet.
the underskirt will be a solid fabric for the next release, I haven’t given up on the lace topskirt yet…
I love them both but remember that even a gypsy can like other colors in her wardrobe. She happens to like green and ruby. Please keep the green version. It shows she is not just a one outfit kind of gypsy lol. She has creative style. Bro remember too that sis is rarely wrong lol.
Nice, but I liked it better without the lighter underskirt. I may have forgotten to mention that the hands and feet are just right on these.
It is very enticing but it is still green. Sorry Alex.
I knew the job was dangerous when I took it…
I don’t even know what the problem is. yeah maybe it will be nicer to have a lighter color as the usual color women wear. fabric is ok, since gypsies are free thinkers.
my problem is that I am not happy with the wardrobes just yet
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