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Flower Photography & Edits

Since my photos I posted recently seemed to have done pretty well here, I thought I would share some more photography of mine.

Here I have a photograph I took of a flower and some edits that I done on that same photograph.

Looking at the edits, I think they are all done with PicMonkey.  I have always enjoyed that editing website.  I think it would be cool if they had an app you could download (who knows, maybe they do now).

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the photo and the four edits.  I would love to know which one is your favorite –the original or one of the edits?

Note: They do say “PoeticEnigma Photography”, but if you remember I used to go by that on older sites.


What do you think?

10 Points


  1. They are all beautiful! Unfortunately, I the system only let me to vote for one, I’m not sure why. I enjoyed seeing all of them though!