
Love ItLove It


The tide of Time has left me ashore.
On the blazing white sands I am withering in the pouring light.
My contours are fading.
Love is rushing through me like sap in a tree.
As I slowly dissolve, fine particles of glow permeating my drifting bits, love spreads in rivulets, seeping between the rounded grains of nacreous sands.
The memory of what I once was is floating above the eternal sea.
A wave is rising high, washing me inside.
Diluted in her gently rocking body, I become the sea.
Night falls over the world and the Universe is reborn on the canvas of the sky.
The love soaked shores are scintillating under the stars.
Waves are constantly moving back and forth, surging, receding as their rasp is turning into a soft lullaby.
Devoid of my substance, I turn into emotions.
I am thirst, I am yearning, I am loss…


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12 Points

Written by Kate Mantis