

This stretch of land will probably be torn apart

until its skin which full of life then hidden by water

then this lovely soul

the ball person will align itself

in a short break

wrap itself in a thick boiling cocoon of clouds

maybe just a hundred million years or billions

to get rid of the acute pain that is difficult to heal

by gaping wounds in flesh and blood

from the skin to the heart of this loving person

due to the dramatic stories of the creeping bugs

who have planted the root of the ego tree

and fertilize themselves with fine roots of selfish

be a predator for any creature for its interests.

Or, can we begin to love and respect him sincerely

A little more sincere than just saying the words?

or indeed the bugs can only act solely for the sake of interest for them self?

Illustration by Albert Herdie  – Digital painting from part of The Land of Confusion Series – Break.


What do you think?


        • Did I’ve said that above?

          Meat has consciousness, the mind has consciousness, emotions have consciousness too, spirituality also has consciousness. Which awareness do we usually recognize? Which is rarely recognized because it is difficult to recognize or realize? Then who separates it all?

          Hopefully, this test doesn’t give me a bad score, O my Guru Zen.

        • Wow… Cool. You have separated consciousness with stimulus and response, brother. Suppose what I have mentioned above is merely a stimulus that has nothing to do with awareness, but don’t you feel your body?

          What about the pleasant feelings of a massage? Or when you get goosebumps? when feeling comfortable sitting on the couch rather than on a rock, or when tears run down the cheeks, or maybe satiety after eating? Feeling cold and shivering? What about the feeling of heart palpitations?

          How do you know the source stimulus is external or internal? How do you identify that the itchy part is your leg and not the head?

          Is awareness not a condition in which an individual has complete control over internal stimuli or external stimuli?

          I think, you as a painter and Zen master, the time when you are separated for a moment from your body’s awareness is when your focus flows completely on painting or meditation activities.

          Btw, have you never talked to your body part? Heart, stomach, legs, etc.?

          • Everything you’ve called out falls under the heading of stimulus. Whether the stimulus comes from a limb or is imagined is academic to the mind, as it still experiences the sensation