Heavily inspired by the Bedlams from Fight! Iczer One, this is my interpretation of a Bedlam without it’s mask on. It wasn’t clear to me if they had shapeshifting abilities or if they were some sort of parasite that infected the host…
Bedlamite – WIP
Alex Ledante
10 Votes
are you kidding me? I grew up with Ellison and Bradbury; they just don’t make authors like them anymore…
I started out on Campbell (reading Analog and his reprints. But for me it was Asimovs Foundation and I Robot that shaped me the most!
Oh yeah, it’s a promising start!
even with the goofy background?
hah, didn’t make it easier.
it was worth a shot…
yeah, maybe, but I can’t even give you “missed it by that much.”
it was your idea, just saying…
I will give you an A for effort.
Oh my gosh I creeped out lol
if even the pink background is scary, then I’m doing something right