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Meet Cotton ~ The Barred Owl

Yesterday we had beautiful weather especially for November. Our local state park rehabilitates wild animals that are found injured. They had this particular Barred Owl that could not be rehabilitated. She was found in a fallen tree and looked like a cotton ball. They named her Cotton. Now the park aviary is her home. The rangers take her around to other parks and to schools to talk about her. So her life is still good. Actually, Barred owls lived about 15 years in the wild, but up to 30 years in captivity. When I feel sorry for her I think of those odds and she’s not so bad off. Very lucky to have been found and taken care of.

Did you know the Barred Owl can turn their head 270 degrees, with their eyes locked? Their eyes do not move, only their head. Amazing facts about these beautiful animals. And the feathers are so soft. Enjoyed this outing. So now to share a few pics of Cotton.


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. She is beautiful and like you, I think she is very lucky. Her life, is at least, going on for 30 years now and she is an instrument to educate people.
