The swan was a bird consecrated to Apollo, as god of music, because it was believed that the swan shortly before dying, sang melodiously. This is why Pythagoras said that this bird resembled a soul that never dies and that its song before dying comes from the joy that it experiences because it will be freed from its mortal body. Plato seems to be of the same opinion and some others say that he is consecrated to Apollo, because he enjoys the gift of foreseeing the goods of the other life which he hopes to enjoy after his death.
Gorgeous photo!
Thank so much Ellie, greetings
Thank so much Ileana, regards
I love swans! Beautiful!
Thank so much Ileana, greetings
Thanks Olga, regards
Great capture and write up Oscar
Thank Woody, regards friend
buenos dias o tardes ya cuesta mucho que te pongan las entradas
Buenos días, a veces lo bueno se hace esperar, tengo un buen presentimiento, ya veremos