This is probably the hugest crocodile that has ever been caught. This man-eating crocodile was caught by the villagers led by the local leader and a crocodile expert catcher. The crocodile weighs 18 feet.
I think they were relocating the crocodile to another location. Using simple or crude means of catching and relocating the animal, they were successful in their attempt however dangerous it was.
Where was this in Australia? Hmm he does look so evil.
It is in Philippines. Yes, it looks evil than the great white shark.
interesting story, man-eaters are often killed outright (in particular sharks and tigers).
Yes, to avoid more attacks although somehow we are responsible by invading their places or destroying their habitats. Tigers can be quite dangerous.
yes they are, it is the sad reality that we are the invaders.
That is some crocodile. People here go fishing on the Halifax River and someone just caught a small-sized shark and threw it back
Yes, it is huge. Sharks even small ones are aggressive. That was brave of that fisherman.
Happy that they relocated the animal and did not torture it.
Yes, they did good they didn’t torture or kill it.
Good thing they didn’t decide to kill the crocodile. Although they are very dangerous animals.
Yes, it’s a good thing they didn’t kill it. They are very wild.
Good to see the crocodile was transported safely.
Yes. None was injured and they didn’t kill it.