Did the world clock change? Things I put on the site last night normally say I did it eight hours ago and now it is saying I did it five or ten minutes ago. I am lost and confused. I can see that people are happy to upvote. I cannot tell if anyone is actually reading anything. So it is once again time to adjust.
What things are most important to me personally? I am big on improving myself and keeping my goals on track. I truly care about my friends and associates and want them to know that. I want to leave crumbs for my grandchildren so they will know who I was and why I made the decisions that I made.
Of course, it would be nice to make contacts, create friendships and have conversations. Since I have not control over that it cannot truly be a goal. It is simply a wish.
I’ve to vote but not comment at times. If there is nothing much to say or when my most heartfelt respond didn’t make the 20 characters, I’ll just leave it.
I noticed the time thing. The site is hosted in San Jose. I think it was the time difference from Europe. I don’t think anyone gets credit for upvoting and not viewing (that was a habit on a different platform that worked). Test it out. Some people aren’t as good at thinking of stuff to say. They upvote so that you know they were there. No harm in that, right?
People also have to be very neutral on so many issues these days. Things might accidentally become apparent and comments are forever.
Some people are shy and some are gregarious. Some people view and don’t upvote – that’s the quickest way if one is just getting points.
Just remember there are a core of people that DO read and DO comment. Don’t forget about us!
I noticed that there are some people who upvote articles without open or reading them!
Maybe they just want people to feel good about their work? (Not really sure)
So a horse walks into a bar.
The bartender says why the long face?
Today is my catch up day. Except I am so far behind, that today is my move one or two things closer to where they should be day.
I did take time, to read stuff on Virily. Loved this, and the question of course, what shall we speak of?
Good question, no idea today. I am still trying to figure out what day it is.
how about the four corners of a round table?