I ran my own temporary placement service for 7 years; and I saw dozens of examples of how NOT to get a job. Here are some helpful hints on how to land that position:
Whether your first appearance is by phone, resume or in person, it can make or break your opportunity for employment:
Speak clearly and confidently. Ask any pertinent questions about the position. Make sure you are qualified for the position. If asked to come in for an interview, make an appointment ASAP. The early bird catches the worm.
Try to get rid of the “uhhhs” and “ummms” in your speech pattern. Bite down on your tongue until you think of what you want to say next. Eventually it will become second nature; and you will pause instead of saying “uhhh” or “ummm”.
Send in or come to the interview with a neatly typed, error-free one-page resume. If you’re not sure about grammar and spelling, have someone else look it over for you. Worried about age discrimination? Only list your past three jobs or the last 10-20 years of employment.
Only highlight the main responsibilities of your position/s. Getting into too much detail clutters your resume and makes it appear as though you are filling in space to make an impression. Most Human Resources Managers are only interested in reading about the main bullet points of your previous employment.
Come prepared with at least 3 personal and/or employment references. Most companies will only give out dates of employment; and you’d be surprised what a company can find out about your character and work ethic from a personal reference.
Don’t lie or exaggerate. Many employers hire firms whose sole purpose is to check resumes and references.
Most companies will have you fill out one of their applications even if you bring in a resume. Print or write as neatly and legibly as possible. Come prepared with your Social Security Number, Photo ID, past employers including addresses, phone numbers and contact names, references including phone numbers and information about any special training that you received. If you have a degree, be sure to have the correct/complete name of the college, address and phone number.
Be neat and clean. Don’t come in smelling of body odor or too much cologne or after shave.
Men – If all you have or can afford is a pair of jeans, make sure they are in good shape; and wear a nice shirt. No T-shirts with logos on them! Be clean-shaven or trim your beard and/or mustache.
Ladies – Whether you are wearing pants or a skirt, be sure that they fit properly and are clean and pressed. Wear knee-length or just-above-the-knee skirts and/or dresses. Don’t overdo your makeup.
If you can’t afford a good outfit, stop at your local Goodwill or Salvation Army. Many clothes still have the price tags on them.
Some people think that they don’t need to follow these guidelines if they’re applying at a temp agency; but many temporary jobs can turn into permanent positions. Also, in times of high unemployment, you want to make sure that you put your best foot forward.
Be prepared!
Thank you for stopping by. I hope this information was helpful.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
Are you unemployed and looking for work?
Very good tips for people looking for a job.
It’s sort of sad that this would have to be a post because all of this information is simply common sense.
I am printing this and handing it to the twins!
How old are the twins now? Or are you planning on their future? lol
21 one has a job, one is looking.
neither really spend a lot of time trying to get a job though.
Well, I hope my 2-part article helps.
Gras tips for those looking fo employment.
Worth reading , thank you for sharing