I took a good hard look at situations in my home, in my country and in my world. Since it began at home I identified some things which I considered to be an issue. Then a light bulb went from dim to bright. The core of the issue may be acedia. I can and does explain most the reasons that things don’t get done the right way, quickly, and the first time.
Humans tend to complicate things rather breaking them to the simplest form and look at the basics.
Do you think many problems are caused be acdia?
I don’t know what that word means. I will need to look it up.
I apologize, I just do not know the meaning of the word -Acedia
I much prefer a rube goldberg model to a simple one.
Yes I agree with you , one has to find and come up with solution rather complicating things .
Maybe it’s one of the main problems because humans are more likely to believe in their limited logic, and everything that can be captured with the five senses.