Many plants and flowers are blooming in my yard, spring has definitely sprung. Each day it seems I find something knew to capture. These Japanese honeysuckles are one of my favorites. I have written many times about these treasures. They start out in this bright vivid pink stage. Then they turn to pink and yellow and orange. So cool to watch the transformation.
Not only are they beautiful, but their fragrance never fails to take me back to my childhood. They grew wild along side the road. And we would pick them and take bouquets to my Mom. Those memories are priceless.
The hummingbirds and butterflies agree with me as they return each year to enjoy the sweet nectar. Sort of like the gift that keeps giving. That is how I see the flowers in my garden.
Question of
Do you have things that often bring back a good memory?
Question of
If yes, what a wonderful feeling it is, right?
Thanks, I love these growing on my fence.
With all the abundance around you, especially from your garden, I can feel how happiness and peace meet you.
You are so right Albert. I have worked to create this atmosphere and it is all paying off. I hope you are resting these days.
That was a great effort, Carol.
I have reduced my activities for a few days to “gather energy”…
The flowers that you share on this site remind me of the garden that used to be in my former home in the former Canal Zone in Panama which to this day is still there even though someone else calls it their home now.
Well that is a good thing. These plants and flowers will probably be here when I am gone.
You are correct on that point.
Wonderful flower. I would have it in my garden too.
Thank you, I love this one too.
It’s really a very beautiful flower, dear friend
Thank you very much my friend lado.
An amazing flower! It will be cool to track the changes of the colours!!
sometimes craft tools brings back much memories, coz my mum loves art and crafts and we’ll do it together …
It is amazing and it grows wild in many places. Good memories for you.
Pink means Mom and that means joy! Thanks for the reminder.
I just realized both of my posts were about pink. For you!