Sadly, it’s Super Bowl Sunday. My brother’s team is finally in the game and the television doesn’t seem to be working. Now it’s still dark here and we do have some time, but I am not sure there will be a great fix. My educated guess is that there is a thick sheet of ice on satellite. I don’t know how to solve that for a few reasons. If there is a thick sheet of ice on the satellite there is one on the ladder and on the porch.
I have read that you can spray deicer on on it and I don’t know if that is true. Don’t even know if it is safe to try and get up there and do it.
It could be a very long day.
Question of
Have you got any great ideas?
Question of
Should I just go back to bed?
I used to have satellite television until I had to go back to cable television since rain and snow would knock out the television. Just go back to bed since electricity demands respect.
You might feel safer and better in bed. Whatever you do be careful if you climb up to do something to that antenna.
Hmm… if nothing works, bed is a great idea 🙂
Your thoughts about the ice are probably right.
Going back to bed sounds like a good idea to me!
We had dish network for many years. The snow would cover the antenna. I would go out with a broom and knock the snow off.
You can spray deicer, that does in fact work. But be careful!