
Belief Kills/Belief Cures – 18

The Youths of Macedonia excelled in the creation of Fake News.

They created many American sounding websites; such as,,,,  are among the 140 sites, all located in Veles, Macedonia.

Day after Day they would post their items on their sites, then to their American sounding sites on Facebook. Millions of people would click, go to the sites. They earned a great deal of money from the Ads placed there by Adsense which paid them in U.S. Dollars.

They became relatively wealthy, buying cars from the money earned by publishing  false articles.

It is not that they cared for Trump or had any political image in their minds. They were simply capitalising on a market.

Just as Ulsterman fed off the racism which made any anti-Obama post go viril, so did the Macedonians.

Day after week after month  the Macedonians published their fake news and reaped the profits.

Whether the fact they posted that the Pope endorses Trump led to more votes for Trump or not, it didn’t matter.  All that mattered was making money.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar