
Love ItLove It

Especially For Carol

I know you love flowers very much. But roses have a special place in your heart. It is a greeting for your will and persistence. I am proud of having known you for more than two years. You are a priceless friend. Thank you, Carol. Be blessed.

© Elenka Smilenova 2018 – All Rights Reserved


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by lacho59


  1. Elenka, When I saw the title I thought what has she done! What a stunning rose. You have no idea how much this means to me. And not such a good day today, so your timing was perfect. I treasure your friendship as well and you are such an inspiration every day. Thank you my special friend.

    • Sometimes, special friends have a special connection. No matter how far apart they are. I believe it is not just a coincidence that lacho dedicated this post for you on a day you need it.

      You are blessed indeed.
