The words on a wall to not make a family. Nor, by the by, do they make a good picture. They are an ideal, a dream or a wish. What if the family could be all things? It can’t, and we all know that, but the dream that is a family is one that we cherish. I was looking at that jumble of words this morning, desperately seeking a friend for the end of the world (oh wait, that is a movie). Instead, I was seeking something to share for the photo challenge. Anything would be better, at this point than a picture of my thumb.
Although in reflecting (which I should have considered) I approached the picture all wrong.
The disadvantage of cellular cameras.
They are better than they were, but nowhere near where they will be. What words I wonder now, do a family a make?
I love it. It’s stunning!!!
It isn’t my best photography, but the art work was my daughter and wife. They are both very talented.
All the words there that surround “family” are the things you can derive from having a family — that is how the photo talks to me lol. Now, a thumb for 365 challenge? Ah well, I would be glad to do just that if I run out of ideas I swear hahaha
I am well past ideas now, and into random images. only 299 to go though!