You may, or may not, have noticed I have not posted here for a while.
This is because there is so much happening in the book and publishing world; two areas I am involved in.
Here is one major ‘continental shift’ which is taking place right now.
FREEBIE books have lost their appeal.
“The general public has become immune and dissatisfied with the mass of FREE and GIVEAWAY books.
What was once a novel, loss-leading marketing tool has become a haunt for freebie hunters who just want free and have NO interest in the author, or on many occasions the book itself.
In fact, Amazon’s own download figures show that ONLY 2% of ALL free books are read, with over 70% being deleted within 14 days of downloading. (or discarded in the case of paperbacks.)
The probable reason is, that as free loses its appeal authors and publishers are now giving away vouchers, gifts and running competitions to entice people to download their free books.
Basically, they are paying people to download in an attempt to manipulate the figures and gain a raking status, in the hope it will influence genuine readers to purchase.
Whilst this may have worked in the past, it no longer has any substantial legacy, particularly as Amazon has once again changed their logarithms to combat this ‘false’ accounting of sale.
Now only verified ‘paid for’ purchases will count towards rankings.
Which leaves only one possible benefit of giving a book away… that of building a mailing list for future direct marketing and sales.
BUT… this now only tends to create a false list of possible future people who may read another of those books, because once downloaded the ‘reader’ then cancels their subscription/listing (as is their legal right). Only dedicated Freebie hunters stay, waiting for the next free book you offer. Which is one of the reasons why only 2% of such downloads are actually read.
This means, most indie authors who give their books away in the belief they will gain readers in the long term are going to be out of pocket for a long, long time. Those who pay companies, the free book marketing businesses, are losing far more.
If it sounds too good to be true… it is.
In the cold light of day… paying someone to give away your book, the book you may have spent a year or so producing, spent money on editing, formatting and cover design, in the vague hope that free will earn you an income, let alone cover your initial costs… without any guarantees…
Hmmph, doesn’t sound so good in the cold light of day, does it?
Genuine reviews ONLY.
Sales logarithms are not the only change AMAZON have recently made. They have changed, once again the way customer reviews work.
This time for the best, in my opinion.
No longer will pay for, swopped or gifted reviews count, and if things work well, they will not even be shown.
ONLY true, verified, genuine purchases by readers will count. NO form of solicited or professional reviews will be accepted.
If Amazon can and do strictly enforce this rule, then for the first time will all authors get, and all readers have a genuine, believable overview to the quality of the books they are looking to purchase.
I hope this works and the cheats and charlatans are cast out.
GOODREADS becomes the ‘GO TO’ platform.
Goodreads has been around for a long time and has slowly progressed to become a mecca for book lovers.
This trend continues and is now being enhanced on several fronts. Goodreads shall soon be THE place for readers and authors to talk and deal with all thing literary. There are many changes which will be implemented during the next year or two.
If you do not have a presence on Goodreads, either as a book lover or as a writer… get on with it… go now and sign up before you are left behind… and remember… you heard it here first.
Electric Eclectic is the new kid in town, but its founder has a great track record in the indie publishing market with established brands CQ International, TOAD Publishing and PeeJay designs.
Simply put, Electric Eclectic is a brand of books written by a variety of authors from various nationalities.
Each Electric Eclectic book is a Kindle Novelette, a short story of between six thousand and twenty thousand words. These novelettes are designed as introductory books, shorter reads to give you a taste of the narration and style of your chosen Electric Eclectic author.
Unlike the freebie books mentioned above, the quality of storytelling of each Electric Eclectic book has undergone a quality and selection process, before publication, to ensure each book reaches our exacting standards.
When you buy an Electric Eclectic book, you have confidence and reassurance of its quality, which makes it the perfect way to find great reads and even your ‘next favourite author.’
Electric Eclectic books hope that once you find a story or an author you are excited about, you will read their other books too.
That is what Electric Eclectic is all about, putting great authors together with ardent book lovers and readers… a match made in heaven.
Also, as Electric Eclectic books cost just 1.00 (dollar/pound/euro), the reader will have made a verified purchase, so their review will be accepted by Amazon, letting them voice their view and airing their opinion too.
That must be a win, win situation all around.
Visit the Electric Eclectic website HERE
The same thing is happening in the music industry. No one wants to buy music anymore. They down load for for free from Youtube or another platform. And now YouTube made the channel requirements much more difficult to get advertising put on the video. Can Electric Electric work for music too?
Good article, thanks for the information.
Thank you for reading it.
Thanks for helping Sir. Nice Web sites.
You are welcome. Thank you.
Interesting some people send scam email offering free things and I know it’s not free.
They do, and that annoys me as much as the websites that seem to offer help and then, right at the end of a whole host of pages they announce a fee or a subscription charge… I think… “I have just wasted twenty minutes of my life!”
A very informative post, good to see you posting.
Thanks, Carol, I have been extremely busy of late and not found the time until now.
This is quite interesting, especially for me as I work in a library 🙂
I shall post more as and when the information is available, but the next year or two will see some big changes.
This post will be very helpful for authors… and is interesting to read even for a non-reader like me
Thanks for reading my post if you are not a ‘reader’… maybe I can convert you?