There was a young boy
Who was crippled since his birth
never loved his life
Part 2
He always felt sad
He thought little of himself
He was handicapped
Part 3
Fast asleep one night
He witnessed a miracle
He saved the children
He saw from a boat
That they were about to drown
He threw them a rope
Part 5
Sad to leave his dream
But happy to share his dream
About the rescue
Part 6
This boy changed indeed
The boy helped someone in need
Now he felt purpose
Part 7
His smile was present
The rescue was a success
He was a hero
I wrote a children’s story years ago about a boy that was crippled. He always thought he had no purpose in life. He went to sleep one night and had a dream that he met three animals that were handicapped too. In his dream, he and the three animals discovered a boat where children were about to drown. The boy and his animal friends helped them to safety. The dream was more than just a dream to the boy. He learned that he was valuable and had a purpose. From that day on, the boy lived his life with courage and a smile. He felt like a hero that night in his dream.
God can use what the world perceives as a handicap in remarkable ways! Excellent reminder here!
Thank you for this thoughtful comment.
Thank you for sharing this story since I know many people who have said once they found a purpose in life, it made them really happy inside.
Thank you Deepizzaguy for your thoughts about this post. Yes, everyone needs to feel purpose.
That is true since God never handicaps anyone according to Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki.
Everyone has their own uniqueness and challenge. Indeed, disability is so easy to bring down a person’s mentality forsee it differently in general, but we often see that their fighting power is far superior to “normal” humans (who actually have other defects) who are not accustomed to jumping out of limitations.
I am going to start calling you “Mr. Wise Old Owl” lol Not saying that your old lol Honestly you should have been a psychologist.
Ha! Already many psychologists are deterrent to compete or confront me, so why should I be like them? LOL
This is a message to people with disabilities. Do not lose hope. They also carry many values within themselves. Even I can say they have some qualities much more developed than our normal people.
Thank you lacho59! Many people that are so called normal are not as nice as the ones that have challenges.
Even% of their good is higher