
Wander project our second cruise starting in Miami FL!

Roughly every other year we try to take a big vacation. In 1998 we moved into our new house in Cincinnati Ohio and headed off to Disney World. The kids had a blast both in the park and on the Disney Magic Cruise. We spent the next year moving from Cincinnati Ohio to Greenwood Indiana. 1999 was our year of living dangerously ?. Moving with three children isn’t easy. Particularily when two of them are very young and flight risks! Oh and don’t forget the dog, Gwen wasn’t a flight risk but she did from time to time like to escape and explore the neighborhood. She liked being free!

We decided after the moving process that we needed a relaxing vacation. After long consideration, we decided to take our second cruise. This one would leave from Miami Florida and head into the Caribean. We had, via the Disney Magic already been to the Caribbean but this cruise would be taking us to other parts of the sea. The thing I was most excited about was the fact that after years of hearing about them I was finally getting to go to the Bahamas and Grand Cayman Island.

My grandparents had gone to the Bahamas when I was little. My grandfather had won a sales contest where he was working after selling the grocery store (he injured his knee and was unable to move around as effectively, so he had to sell the store and moved into sales). The Grand Cayman island was interesting to me because I had a friend as a teenager who often went to the Cayman’s with his parents on various school breaks.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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