The first orchid in Europe flourished in 1731 in the collection of the English Admiral Charles Wager who obtained it from the Botanical Garden of Chelsea. For many years afterwards for the private collections of members of the upper classes, because they need very special care, the professional collectors, mostly from France and England, devoted themselves to the merciless plundering of American forests, putting many species at risk. extinction.
Stunning elegance in this flower.
Thank so much Carol, greetings
this is my favorite flower
Your story is incredible, greetings Ghada
great one
Thank so much Aries
So lovely
Thank so much Olga
Thank so much Jolanta
Love the deep purple against the green lushness 🙂
I am getting the hang of this site, Oscar…with time it will get better..thank you for your invitation:)
Thank so much, I have hope in it
buenos dias oscar
Buenos días Charo, saluditos
Very nice
Greetings Woody
great photo very interesting story.
The history of the orchids is incredible, the Aztec kings mixed them with cocoa and so they prepared a drink called Txacolat, then “Chocolate.