Two years ago, I arrived early in the morning at my workplace. I’m an early morning person.
I opened the office and found the above bird which was trapped in the office. I decided to catch me but it didn’t give me the peace of doing it. I was chasing it all over the office and jumping up until it became trapped.
I took it and with my phone camera took a shot of it. It isn’t a good shot as the phone’s camera is 8 megapixel.
I am not a bird expert but many here are experts in this field.
I was late in submitting the photo under the critters.
Let me know which type of bird it is. Thanks.
Lovely bird. Unfortunately, I don’t know his name.
Thank you. It is a cute bird.
It’s a pretty little bird! I have no idea what kind of pretty little bird.
They are so common here but I can’t figure out its name.
I am not sure but I think the bird is still a baby.
The one in the cover is blue tit which is one of my favorite bird, but people before me have already identified it.
Yes, the one I was holding was a baby. The other as you was told is blue tit.
there are many ways to identify birds. I am not good at any of them! By the way, there is an application for smartphones that lets you take a picture of a bird and it will identify the bird for you.
That will make it easier to identify birds since I’m not an expert in them.
it does, I like the field guide from the Audobon society – it shows a picture of the bird and then talks about it.
it also has them by temperate zone, so you don’t think you’ve found the first pileated wood pecker below the equator!!!
I will check it out. It looks like a wood pecker. It must be. It is common here and my country.
yes they are very common but different. Pileated woodpeckers only live in the forests of North America
I see. I will have to do more research onit.
It does not appear very well to be able to identify with certainty what the bird is like.
That’s the problem, the photo is of low quality.
Blue tit spring bird – As specified by Google search
Thank you for letting me know about the initial bird photo.
As I know this is Eurasian blue tit. We have this bird here.
The other looks like a sparrow, but I’m not sure.
Thank you for letting me know about the profile one. The second one looks like a sparrow but I confuse birds.
Thank you or letting me know about the initial one. It is a blue tit.
How about the second one?