We were used to running, flying, faster, more; after all, how else? Most of us were caught up in a tense rhythm, so it’s no surprise that I’ve heard countless times (and in search of excuses myself) that there’s no time for a book, a meeting, a walk, or even a hobby, something that delights.
And everything suddenly stopped.
It was as if we were spinning in a carousel that had stopped abruptly and left us hanging high (we would have stopped ourselves in a more gentle way).
We have said so many times that we do not have time, and now, here is the free time.
Maybe you already managed to take that book off the shelf, or maybe you finally tidied up the closet, called a friend who didn’t have enough time? Or maybe you started doing workout?
Tell me, maybe you discovered something for the first time, or maybe you discovered true yourself?
As the saying goes, happiness loves silence. Every day I create my dream life from the smallest details. Now I have time for that. I can and do what used to be pushed to the last plan. I am grateful for this situation. My soul has long needed this pause.
© Fortune, 2020
Is there a sense to post a question if it not works?
I think it should have an option posing question