There are many. Probably the ones that stick in my mind the most are posts written by Doc Andersen in wanders. My husband and I still spend hours going through them. It is something we can do together and he truly enjoys it.
He also loves to check on all Carol DM’s bluebirds.
I guess the things that are most positive to me relate directly to my family and the positive impact they have in our home.
There are many others who I read all the time and I appreciate them as well.
I appreciate the experience of anything that makes me smile, touches my heart, or reminds me of thoughtful kind people.
I agree Doc can always take us to many different places and he shares many wonderful memories with us
We love his pictures and family. My husband really believes we are related.
Appreciate the mention. We can all look for the good and leave the not so good behind.
Keep reminding me. (please) This is overwhelming as now I can’t even be with my family.
Great , I really enjoy so many news stuff on this site
I am glad you have found some great things here. I believe they are here and we can find them. It’s like a treasure hunt.
cool… it is nice to know something like this, very light and very positive.
Thank you so much for the call out!!!!
i find so many wonderful things on this site, So many wonderful people (like you!) to talk to!!!!