Not only does the burning candle sparkle in a romantic way, but its flame also disperses negative energy, emits healing powers and mystical qualities. Since ancient times, witches and wizards have used candles for spells, enchantments, calling out spirits, guessing the future or as a means of communicating with the dead.
Did you know that:
Candles used in magic rituals are associated with the symbol of light being lit in the dark.
The candle symbolizes man: the wax – the candle is the physical body, the wick – the mind, and the flame – the spirit.
It is said that if candle magic is used for a good purpose, you will receive three times more good and if uses for evil, evil will return threefold.
In ancient times, and even in some places today, churches use only wax candles because bees are believed to have come from paradise?
I love candles and use a lot of them for creating coziness at my home. Especially in a cold time.
Do you like to light candles at home?
I use these scented candles on occasions. Lately I was gifted with artificially lit candles.
I love candles. I light them every day, preferably with the smell of lavender.
Sometimes I will light candles.