This is #295 of the 365-day photo challenge, and anyone can join, just post a photo for 365 days.
This image is a picture of a family member that has to have a skin graft for the bottom tooth. The dentist will graft skin from the roof of her mouth and place it over the area that needs the skin. Then a guard will be placed there to protect food from irritating it. Has anyone known anyone that has had this procedure?
Image Credit-LaJenna
i have never heard of this.
Hope you never have to deal with this type of problem.
so do I, it looks painful and has to impact you as well
I hope dentist have some great solution to this
Thank you Witty I sure hope so.
Best of luck I have never heard of this being done before
Thank you RasmaSandra for the best wishes.
Have never had this done, I wish her the best of luck.
I hope you always have strong teeth.
Thank you very much.