Day four in #Inktober, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. A woman who wears Haute Coutre fashion and solves mysteries in Australia in the 1920s.
I suppose there really were women like her, at this time, my husband’s Aunty Des, wore flamboyant clothes and threw parties. She had a fancy clothing for hire shop in Queen Street Auckland city…
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries were based on Kerry Greenwood’s Bestselling novels..
I used to have a book called, “Gusty Girls & Stroppy Shelias” but a sister of mine the eldest, borrowed it and have not seen it since…I forgot about it…but maybe she may know some people like it..
It looks to me like she has a secret she is wanting to share! I don’t know why but it’s fun to share my first thought.
That is because Phryne Fisher is a woman detective and she solves mysteries..Thanks Ghostwriter..
The picture is beautiful, I think it was beautiful without any repairs
Thanks so much Vidocka, you saw it with the repairs…
I enjoy your talent every time I see your works. They are wonderful.
Thats really nice of you to say so Elenka, I really appreciate your visit
I have not seen any other user participating in this challenge. Is this your own category? You are doing great – I see this is your fourth and yes these days there is no hard and fast rule about what is trendy and what is not.
Thanks so much Grace, it was a challenge put on by an Auckland Art Shop, “Gordon Harris”, and thought just by entering I could enjoy the challenge in it’s own right. No prizes for anyone, I secretly think this was a sales promotion of art materials as they were put out clearly to be seen in the shop for this very challenge.
However, they did have a word theme that I did not follow as they did not say it had to be followed but next year I will follow their word themes and hope to be able to do more art work when I can
Even if you were making the corrections, the lady in the picture is a real lady, dear friend
Thanks so much Lado, glad you like it.
With great pleasure, dear friend
There are a lot of crime-solving well-dressed ladies. I always enjoyed Miss Marple. Love the image pam. And loving Inkotber!
Thanks Doc, there certainly are, I pick up the DVDs from the library and be entertained for a low price…
I love Miss Marple too.
Oh! I forgot to mention I drew this today but it took a bit longer than the others as I had a lot of corrections to do on the drawing but here it is!