So Sunday the March for Life is happening in Washington. I have read everything I can get my hands on about this and as near as I can tell what the goal is for a majority of students is to eliminate 2nd Amendments Rights.
I would like them to know if that is the goal, I pray they fail miserably. Because that will not stop one school shooting. That will not stop even one deranged person from finding a way to murder.
We didn’t hear people screaming to take away vehicles in 2012, 92 people were killed on the roadways of the U.S. each day, in 30,800 fatal crashes during the year. Since I lost a family member in a car situation I “feel” that pain. Still I don’t try and take away everyone’s car. (Maybe we should.) There would be far fewer accidents if everyone just and to walk. Life would change drastically and who’s to say it wouldn’t be for the better. Is this far fetched? No more than believing that Me and millions of other gun owners will give up our guns because we, as a nation, don’t take care of mental illness.
It reminds me of a Neurologist who had a solution for seizures. She could take half of his brain and he would never have another seizure. My reply was “Nor would he have quality of life or a reason to live.”
There has to be balance somewhere and this is not the goal. Why don’t they hold the shooter responsible? The gun can harm no one without a human.
If you want to raise the age to 21 for people to be able to buy long guns. You better damn well raise the draft age to 21. You wouldn’t expect someone who couldn’t even buy a gun to go fight and die for us would you?
Why do I feel so strongly? I married a Vet. He was drafted right out of high and went to fight a war he didn’t even understand. I have used a rifle to save my life.
I am not sure the NRA is your enemy? Don’t they encourage responsible ownership. Did any of these young people reach out to them and ask them what they really believe?
Question of
Has anyone in the leadership of the NRA used a gun to murder someone?
Question of
Are the laws we have on the books enforced now?
Question of
Have you talked to your children about how dangerous cars are?
Question of
Would you expect me to pull out my concealed weapon to save the life of children marching to take away my gun? The truth is I would do it, but I would never speak to the one I saved.
It’s a crying SHAME that every TIME there’s something like this happens
everyone is PUSHING for gun control KNOWING there’s NO easy fix to this
but the VERY people that are SUPPOSE to protect US FAIL to do their jobs.
if the cop HAD of went in when he HEARD the shots he MIGHT have been
ABLE to save MORE lives but instead was TOLD to NOT go in W T ? is THAT?
IF the FBI had of done what needed to be done to baker act the person
that DID this he wouldn’t have KILLED so many or ANY so who’s FAULT is it?
There is NO REASON to sell automatic weapons to children. None. If your country did not sell semi automatic guns to under 18s, for example, and Trump offered you a vote to allow a law to sell them to 18-year- olds, would you vote for that? I agree that you can carry hand guns and have a hunting rifle but you don not need kids getting access to M16s.
It seem to me that children have are regularly becoming the instrument of change as we have seem everywhere and worldwide.
There is a rule of using guns to defend yourself. The rule is “Better to be judged by 12 than be carried by six.” What happened in Florida can be that the Broward County Sheriff’s Office and the F B I ignored the tips from the alleged shooter. Okay I now that the shooter was arrested and will be tried but he is innocent until proven guilty.
I say they hold the FBI & the sheriff’s dept accountable for blood on THEIR hands.
I agree with you since they failed to stop the Florida shooter when they the chance to nip it in the bud.
I hear you there, you are so right.
I feel your pain. But if people don’t want to change then there’s nothing you can do about it.