
We Are Not Spring Chickens!

We were laughing and really having a pretty good time. Someone came up and stated “you are acting like some spring chickens.” That made us laugh all the louder and simply drew more attention our way. It was funny to us.

I am not certain why sometimes people who don’t know the situation, think that laughing is a wrong choice.

We were at the hospital, in the intensive care unit and we are laughing so hard we were crying. All of us were laughing together. The “person” marched us all outside and told us it needed to stop.

The patient hit the call button and asked for the doctor to come and bring everyone including the “person” back in the room.

Here was his speech. “I am the one who is dying here and I would prefer to leave in a fit of joyful laughter than tears or sorrow.”

The doctor picked up on his vibe right away. He pulled out an old fashion prescription pad. It had a faded smile as the background. He hand wrote and gave each of us in the room a prescription. “Laughter is good medicine, use it often.”

  • Question of

    Do you often choose laughter?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you know why they referred to us as spring chickens?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. I am imagining myself in the situation myself when I had to ask visitors to leave because I was under anesthesia and feeling to drowsy:)