
Travel and Vacation: The Florida Keys or The Bahamas?

The Florida Keys or The Bahamas?  Really?  Why would anybody even ask that question when the answer is so obvious.  Both!  If the United States had a better relationship with Cuba, you could add this destination into the tropical mix.  But it’s OK if Cuba is not on your travel itinerary.  There’s always Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Hawaiian islands and American Samoa.  Cool huh?

  • Question of 2

    If you were planning a vacation which destination would you choose?

    • Florida
    • Bahamas
    • Other Destination
  • Question of 2

    Do you have a favorite novel by Ernest Hemingway?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points


  1. I have an armchair travel blog on WordPress and I have written about the Florida Keys. I am now living in the northern part of Florida but would love to visit them one day.

    • Oh yes! I have heard many people describes the joys of the mountains. I didn’t read the book but I did watch the movie “The Old Man and the Sea”. I enjoyed it.