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They finally did it singing Auld Lang Syne

Watching this video  was quite touching.  They sang the Auld Lang Syne after voting to back the terms of Brexit – they ratified the Brexit withdrawal agreement 621 to 49

This has been going on for quite a while and finally they did it  The whole world has been watching and that included me.  

Auld Lang Syne was an apt song for an occasion such as this.  We normally sing it to beckon the New Year. 

You can watch the video too


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16 Points

Written by grace


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  1. David Cameron had a relevant majority and he was ruling Britain. After gaining the Scotland referendum he wanted to put pressure on the European Union with a Brexit referendum so that obtaining more money from the European Union. Besides, he wanted to get rid of radical memebers of his party who hate Europe. He thought it was impossible that British people would vote to leave European Union. Borys Johnson wanted the job of David Cameron and the only way to end the career of Davind Cameron was to support Brexit so he started a campaign full of lies. Boris Johnson writes a weekly column regarding politics for The Daily Telegraph and he was going to write an article saying how important the European Union is and how bad for the United Kingdom was leaving European Union. However, as David Cameron announced his Brexit referendum he changed the column and he announced he was going to support Brexit to end the career of David Cameron. The Brexit supporters started a campaign full of lies to give David Cameron the sack and they won unexpectedly as remain supporters did not defend their position fully and now Boris Johnson is the president of the UK. The reality is that you cannot leave the European Union, Britain will have to travel to Brussels constantly to make agreements and given the world we are living Britain will be poorer and isolated. What is more, Northern Ireland is in the birnk of joining the rest of Ireland and Scotland wants independne because of Brexit and Britons are going to be poorer because they will no receive funds from the European Union. Some experts say that Britain will have to join the European Union again as you cannot be in Europe withouth doing business with the rest of European countries that are all of them in the Europena Union,. The only person who has obtained something positive with Brexit is Boris Jhnson and his allies, the people of Britain will suffer a lot. Brexit is historical mistake that can end the Great Britain. In fact, support for thei ndependence of Scotland has growth and Northern Ireland is alone and near of leaving Great Britain. Borish Johnson knew about this but Brexit was the only way to be president of Great Britain. This is very, very sad, because Britons were told lies to vote leave and now they are going to face the harsh reality

    • That is an interesting analysis, with a few inaccuracies – the UK does not have a President, for example.

      I agree with you that many lies were told. The Referendum in 2016 was won by the leave vote only narrowly – 52% to 48% – and large parts of the country were solidly in favour of remaining. Also, the vote for remaining was strongest amongst young voters, whose future was most at stake.

      I firmly believe that a second referendum should have been held once the terms of leaving were known. The original question was Leave or Remain, without spelling out what leaving actually meant. We know much more now than we did then.

        • Unfortunately, nobody can be sure what will happen further down the line. There will be a transition period for 11 months, during which the government hopes to arrange trade deals with a number of countries, plus the EU. Whatever is agreed will not come into force until after the transition period expires, so nobody will notice any changes until then.

          My own view, as a committed Green, is that it makes no sense to increase trade with far-flung places such as Australia and Japan if this is at the expense of trade with our near neighbours in Europe. There is a huge environmental cost in transporting goods by ship or plane, and the world needs to cutting greenhouse emissions, not increasing them. That is the main reason why I continue to be against our quitting the EU – but there are others!

      • Thanks a lot. It is called “Prime Minister” or “Premier” I am used to using the word president as we say president in Spain, but I think it is the same than Prime Minister. I have published an article about Brexit, perhaps you like it, it is better written than this comment. David Cameron made a mistake, his strategy failed and now Britain is in a mess. I wish the best for Britain as I love it because I lived in England years ago and I have been to London many times but everything looks bad. I have read some experts saying that Britain will have to come back to the European Union and others say Britain will lose Northern Ireland soon. And Scotland wants another referendum. If Liberal Democrats had not supported an election perhaps there would have been a second referendum.

  2. The thing that strikes me about the Brexit move is that TV experts are saying that the economy in Europe will be just fine, but even minor disruptions with everyone adjusting to Brexit could affect the world economy.


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