Having returned from another State where they were labourers, these 7 men having no separate rooms to quarantine themselves chose a tree to do that.
India is on full lockdown and everyone is expected to stay indoors. The Government is feeding them and taking care of their needs.
It is commendable that these workers followed the rules and seem quite happy with their decision. They improvised seating arrangements by using cloth
Are you following lock-down rules?
I follow all instructions and quarantine.
These men seemed sincere following the rules
Congratulations to these guys and the Government that feeds them and takes care of their needs. This is how they protect other people
Our country is doing its best although they should have set right a few things before announcing lockdown.
these days, we need to do what we can to help stop the virus from spreading.
Finally it is the individual that follows rules will help eradicate the disease.