In this matter of banning crackers it is just talk and no walk. Crackers are manufactured with gay abandon and that being the case how on earth can a ban be introduced.
There was a recent case where a candidate for election was talking about how crackers are bad and that they should be banned. As he was busy with the rally he got news that his first one was born. No sooner he finished the speech there were crackers galore. So much for walking the talk.
One can easily manage with fire works with no crackers but as long as there is no ban on manufacture that will continue.
Question of
Do you like to fire crackers?
Question of
Do you advocate banning of manufacture of crackers?
There is no ban in our country … but there are many injuries with petards even in New Year’s time
My cousin had severed 2 fingers because of firecrackers.
The intention to ban crackers has been on for years but no ban yet
Firecrackers in the hands of non-professionals are dangerous.
It is the kids that are involved in this game
I am not a fan of fireworks. The sound is very disturbing to me.
When I have parties I get the kids to burst balloons and no crackers.
Yes , I believe fire cracker is an over activity one should avoid it.