Based on the statistics of accident reports, the motorcycle is tops with the daily 50 accidents and the trucks come in only second. According to one organization of motorcycles, there should be an exclusive motorcycle lane in the main roads. There is actually a motorcycle lane already just beside the fast lane. But it is not exclusive so vehicles get to use it and the motorcycle are boxed out of the lane.
One study of the motorcycle accidents is due to human error, that is the mistake of the driver. I am a car driver so I would have to agree that motorcycle drivers are irresponsible and sometimes reckless too. Our car had been hit 3 times by a motorcycle and the riders fled and not owned the responsibility. Maybe we can go back to the motorcycle lane that would be for the exclusive use of the motorcycles.
Do you ride a motorcycle?
I ride motorcycle and I had few accident on past.
I ride a motorcycle. Had a few accidents myself a few years ago. In one of those I intentionally fell, to stop me from hitting an elderly woman who suddenly came running on the road on a rainy day. Better me alone, than both of us.
Anyways, the problem is most of these riders lack discipline. Many of them ride as if they own the road. And most of the deaths were caused by not wearing any safety gears… I.e. helmet.
I have never ridden on a motorcycle and |I would never want to. They might look great but they scare me.
In 2011 I was knocked off my bike by a car driven by a police officer. My leg was broken in 5 places and because it had sentimental value, I went up to the US. I now have a titanium pin in my leg which sets off every metal dectector.