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The 34-year-old man’s face and body became like a baby due to a head injury.

It is a good thing to look young even in old age, but a person living in the middle of China looks exactly like a baby despite being 34 years old. And that is why she has not been married till now.

Zeus Sheng Kai, 34 year old, currently lives in a rural town of Zantao. At the age of six, he was playing with friends that his head hit on rock. The injury was severe but no bleeding occurred, but Ziv continued to suffer from fever for three consecutive days. He was taken to the hospital three days later due to a fever, and it was discovered that a blood clot has formed in his brain. Who was evacuated after emergency surgery.

Then Zeus remained normal, but at the age of 9 it was revealed that he looked younger and more anonymous than his peers. It seems that after the accident it has stopped growing. After long treatment and tests again, it was found that Baby glands have been destroyed to ensure growth in the body, the hormones of the growth hormone do not appear.

This process has been going on for two decades and now it does not grow hair on its face and it has the same sound as children. That is why people make fun of him and he has no  been married.

Zeus himself said that although he was 34 years old, he was still physically abusive of a young child. He did not reach puberty and therefore could not get married.

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Written by zaibjaz