The way the light plays around the skies makes sunsets dramatic or peaceful or playful. This photo was a few minutes before the sun could set. It is always an exciting moment not just for us humans but also for the birds. They seem to exhibit some peculiar behavior around sunset. They all fly around in circles against the sun making more noise than usual. I have observed this so many times and it is in fact a great way for me to end the day watching this spectacular show.
Sunsets always fill me with a sense of gratitude for the day gone by. Like the birds I rejoice over all that I have accomplished during the day and give thanks for all that I have received during the day. A call from a loved one or a friend, perhaps a bloom in my garden or even the roof over my head fills me with gratitude. I always look forward to the warmer days when I can see a clear even dramatic sunset.
Question of
Do sunsets fill you with some kind of emotions?
Question of
Do you see birds at sunset?
I love sunsets and often see birds.
Do they act boisterously at sunsets?
Sunset give you message daily that there is always great sunrise after dark sunset
Yes indeed, they bring great hope.
sunsets that close the day leave us ready for renewal!
I like that thought Doc.
it is from Aldo Leopold, one of my dad’s heroes!