I took an interesting photo. It was sunny and cloudy at the same time. The sun was surrounded by dark clouds. It wasn’t raining. We had a tornado a few weeks ago. It wasn’t in our town. I would be terrified to see a tornado here. We have thunderstorms and a lot of rain daily. I am so tired of the rain. How is the weather in your place? Do you like this picture?
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Is the weather in your place good?
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Do you like this picture?
Clouds are often very interesting to view.
Its rainy season here and it is like this all the time sunny at one and cloudy at another, but in between its like this.
A very nice photo. We have had severe thunderstorms lately. Lots of rain.
It’s raining here with thunderstorm.
Wonderful photo. We had a few cloudy days with a few sunshine. It is summer time so i like sunny days.