Rain, wind and cold. As temperatures go down, our hair health also goes down. But there are a few tricks to help you survive the grayest and windiest days – even on days when you’re in a hurry to get out of the house.
Keep your tips and scalp flawless – The low temperatures that are felt at this time of year are a real threat to our hair, but with the right care we can see the damage diminished. Hydration, through the conditioner and the mask, is really fundamental so that the tips do not have a dry and split appearance.Remember to restore your hair’s natural shine using a shine spray and, when modulating, use a thermal protector that also softens the ends. This last gesture is (really) essential.
Use a metal comb – The unwanted static charge that happens on the coldest days of the year is also something that we can get around, using a metal comb when we need to comb our hair. By brushing it with a metallic object, this static aspect will decrease and the look will automatically be more beautiful.
Use an ionic dryer – There are different types of dryers, and there are some that are designed to significantly help in reducing the frizz. Choose an ionic dryer, to properly dry the wires. Emitting negative ions – particles that help to separate and evaporate water molecules quickly – these dryers will ensure that our hair does not need to spend so much time in contact with heat, protecting it and preventing damage from exposure.
Don’t leave the house with wet hair – If you are one of those who takes a shower in the morning and leaves the house with wet hair, it may be better to rethink the time you take your shower. Perhaps it is best to do this cleaning the night before, so that the next morning does not waste so much time drying. It is important that this is done correctly, since, in cold weather, wet hair is at risk of breaking.
Use dry shampoo – To increase the volume of your hair, using a dry shampoo may be the best choice. The washing, drying and modulation process is not the most practical and fast system in the world and, to that extent, this product is a great facilitator.
Picture of my hair.
Question of
Do you notice your hair more damaged in the winter?
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Did you like these tips?
These are great tips! I have more problems with hair in summer, but the tips you shared are universal.
Thanks for sharing the helpful tips. They will greatly benefit me.
I use a conditioner on my hair often.
I have dry hair and during winter it is even more dry.
I need to cut my hair. My hair is damaged.