Spring Rolls are irresistible specially when they are made using a Chinese recipe. I have tried to make them but nothing like having them at a Chinese restaurant.
We were in Melbourne and at one of the Malls there was an eatery where these rolls were one of the several items. The price was fixed. We could pick anything and any amount but we were not allowed to share it with others nor take it away
I could just tackle one of those rolls but looking at that heap how I wished I could pack some
Are you gonna send me some of those spring rolls, grace. Im hangry, lol
I clicked a photo of those rolls uploaded the photo here and ate them all, sorry (lol)
I adore all food related to vegetables.
These spring rolls are chicken rolls. I have not tasted vegetable rolls.
I apologize. I would also like it with chicken.
I call them egg rolls and wherever I get Chinese food I like to include them. I used to buy them at the grocery store. They were good, but, not as good as the ones you get at takeout or restaurants that you sit and eat.
There was once some at the supermarket made locally..(we have a large Chinese pop)
Best is going to a Chinese restaurant where they prepare the stuff after you have arrived and serve it hot and crisp.