Yes our dashboards have been updated. Glad to see the small increase. Period. Nothing else. Silence.
Then I was reminded that perhaps the admins work in silence. I thought, that is not good. We all deserve information. We need answers. We need explanations.
Posts need to be approved. Members should not be waiting 20+ days.
Communication is needed in any relationship. Oh well. Enough of my rant. I will continue with my silence.
Here are some silence is golden quotes to share…
Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. ~ Benjamin Franklin
Speak only when you feel your words are better than silence. ~ Anon
And an all time favorite from Abraham Lincoln ~ Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
Do you believe silence is golden in many situations?
I am hoping for better days here on Virily. Thank you for everything you do.
You are welcome, I hope the same thing soon.
We all deserve information. ..
I am waiting for two posts to be approved for more than 20 days….
Yes we do and so good to see you Branka. I hope your posts will be here soon.
The admin team has lost touch with how they make money. The viril rate was increased so google is paying them more money. that money comes from the authors and the content. We have now lost many authors (some good that they are gone).
but it is time for us to no longer tolerate this.
Not sure if they ever knew to be honest. I am almost at the end of my rope.
i do know that feeling, but 2 days in a row. We have a sliver/glimmer of hope. let’s hope it becomes a roaring fire!
Hope so, trying to hold on.
well the viril is worth a lot more now, almost enough to make payout every month again.
That is good to hear, didn’t even notice honestly.
You are right. In some cases, it is better to remain silent. We have a proverb: he who is silent answers ten
Yes I have learned that lesson in life. But the admin here should not remain silent.
I totally agree. Administrators are there to help us.
Suppose to be there to help. 🙁
They just approved a few posts! Probably more will follow! As I said they work in silence! 😁
Yes I just commented on many, still a lot missing. Silence is still not good. I don’t like working in the dark.