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Scrub Party

My kind, sweet, and well meaning neighbor invited me  to a scrub party. I explained how busy I was and all about the health issues. She simply wouldn’t take no for an answer. She came and got me.

She had prepared several different scrubs and the one she had prepared for me was for my scalp! It was actually very relaxing and she had made enough for me to use it at home. In thirty days she will have another scrub and everyone will try something new. 

At first I thought she might be starting up a business. So I called and asked in private. Her answer was, well a little heartbreaking.  “I am really quite lonesome since my husband passed away. We did everything with couples and now I see no one. I like making these for myself and I thought it would be nice” I was glad that some of us came. So, I will be going to the next one as well.  I might find out that I like scrub parties.

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    Have you ever been to a scrub party?

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    • No
  • Question of

    Have you ever been to a scrub party?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. Looks like you made someone happy today or at least gave company …
    I don’t know what a scrub party is …
    has it got to do with scrubs as in bathing scrubs or similar?