We are not Chinese and what you see in the photo are not fried bacon, they are fried tikoy as part of the Chinese new year celebration. We just cook tikoy in honor of our Chinese friends who give us a box of tikoy. By the way, tikoy is a snack food made from glutinous rice. It is very sticky hence the trick in cooking is to dip the sliced tikoy in a beaten egg. The egg will prevent the tikoy slices to stick with each other.
Sugar is the dip to give the tikoy a sweet taste for it is bland. It can be eaten as breakfast or simply a snack. The main idea of the tikoy and its stickiness is to make the bonding of the people more secure. That means eating tikoy with the family would make the family stick together. So how about eating tikoy with friends?
Do you eat tikoy?
that is a strange food to me
No never tasted this one
i am not sure i’ve ever tried this, interesting thanks for sharing.
We have the original and flavored tikoy
It sounds interesting can give it a try.pass some of these here.
Never heard of it but sounds great