In the world’s polluted city of New Delhi, smog makes breathing difficult, Fresh oxygen is available at just Rs 300 for 15 minutes in New Delhi. A store has been opened in New Delhi called Pure Oxygen for sale, Oxy Pure (Pure Oxygen), where fresh oxygen costs Rs 300 for 15 minutes.
Several types of oils fragrance are added to this oxygen, The owner of Oxy Pure says it is the first commercial facility of its kind in Delhi, Taking advantage of this, ordinary citizens can get rid of the city’s most polluted atmosphere for a while. customers can also buy small cans of oxygen .
Will the Oxy pure Store reduce the odds for New Delhiites?
This is like a reverse hookah going on.
if we don’t do something about pollution, this kind of nonsense will be everywhere
It is scary to think that we need pure oxygen for breathing which means the air is so dirty already.
I think this will not help the citizen